Our Tribal Education Advocates provide guidance and support to our Indian Education Committees (IECs) by attending meetings, processing Johnson O'Malley (JOM) funding requests and providing different trainings to the members. The TEAs follow the policy and procedures lined out in the CSKT JOM Policy Handbook and work with the IECs on their guidelines and procedures.

Below is a listing of the IEC meeting times and contact for the IEC Chairman positions. If you are interested in being an IEC member, reach out to one of our Advocates for more information. 

IEC Time and Location of Meetings Contact Information
Arlee TBD IEC Chair- Cammie Dupuis-Pablo
Charlo TBD IEC Chair- Jason Nentwig
Dayton TBD IEC Chair- Calvin Reeves
Dixon TBD IEC Chair- vacant
Early Childhood Services TBD IEC Chair- vacant
Hot Springs TBD IEC Chair- vacant
Nkwusm TBD IEC Chair- TBD
Polson TBD IEC Chair- vacant
Ronan 1st Wednesday each month; Tribal Complex IEC Chair- Melinda Charlo
St. Ignatius TBD IEC Chair- vacant

If you are interested in being an IEC member or have questions about the committee, reach out to one of our Advocates for more information.

Alfred DeRoche assists with Arlee, Nkwusm and St. Ignatius IECs.

Email Alfred.DeRoche@cskt.org or call (406)675-2700 ext. 1070

Sarah BigSam assists with Charlo, Dixon and Ronan IECs.

Email Sarah.BigSam@cskt.org or call (406)675-2700 ext. 1072

Vacant with Dayton, Hot Springs and Polson IECs.

Email Miranda.Burland@cskt.org or call (406)675-2700 ext. 1074