Tribal Education is in partnership with Salish Kootenai College and Two Eagle River School on a US Department of Education funded project that includes, among other things, a focus on College and Career Readiness.  

Edits will be made to our final year of our NYCP grant.

What is a College and Career Readiness Coach? The College and Career Readiness Coach is a primary point of contact with a student and young adult participant and others in the circle of influence. The coach will be the liaison between the CSKT Schools and CSKT Education Department. The coaches will assist students in seeking educational and/or employment, as participants are in High School or graduating out of High School.  In addition, the coaches will be delivering presentations throughout the reservation schools to K-12th grade students. They will encourage students and/or parents to set up a one-on-one meeting with one of them.

The Montana Office of Public Instruction has provided guidance on what college and career readiness means to them.  It is available at