• Reservation-Wide IEC Training
    Reservation-Wide IEC Training
  • Councilman Dolson speaks to MMYC
    Councilman Dolson speaks to MMYC
  • Tribal Ed staff- Baby Fair 2024
    Tribal Ed staff- Baby Fair 2024
  • IEC/JOM parent training 2024
    IEC/JOM parent training 2024
  • Tribal Education staff
    Tribal Education staff
  • River Honoring 2024- Tribal Ed staff
    River Honoring 2024- Tribal Ed staff
  • 2024 Tribal Consultation
    2024 Tribal Consultation
  • Parent Training
    Parent Training
  • Mission Mountains Youth Crew members 2024
    Mission Mountains Youth Crew members 2024
  • Mission Mountains Crew members 2024
    Mission Mountains Crew members 2024
Name Tribal License Plate Scholarship.pdf
Description No description available.
File name Tribal License Plate Scholarship.pdf
Size 95.86 KB
File type pdf (Mime type application/pdf)
Date added 08/03/2021 10:02:08
Hits 3813
Last modified on 08/03/2021 10:02:08
MD5 checksum 78fff16a704000c9e5fec69104037a34
SHA1 checksum d72864ff20ca099f942b3b5c3b1983ba27448048

Flathead Reservation Regional Indian Education Summit Final


Tribal Education Advocacy

  • WRITTEN_BY Keya Birdsbill
  • 04/02/2024
  • Hits355

What is a Tribal Education Advocate? The Tribal Education Advocate (TEA) works with parents, in each of our local schools, as a support system when issues arise with their child's education. This...

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