• Reservation-Wide IEC Training
    Reservation-Wide IEC Training
  • Councilman Dolson speaks to MMYC
    Councilman Dolson speaks to MMYC
  • Tribal Ed staff- Baby Fair 2024
    Tribal Ed staff- Baby Fair 2024
  • IEC/JOM parent training 2024
    IEC/JOM parent training 2024
  • Tribal Education staff
    Tribal Education staff
  • River Honoring 2024- Tribal Ed staff
    River Honoring 2024- Tribal Ed staff
  • 2024 Tribal Consultation
    2024 Tribal Consultation
  • Parent Training
    Parent Training
  • Mission Mountains Youth Crew members 2024
    Mission Mountains Youth Crew members 2024
  • Mission Mountains Crew members 2024
    Mission Mountains Crew members 2024
Name scholarship_resource_guide_for_AI_students.pdf
Description No description available.
File name scholarship_resource_guide_for_AI_students.pdf
Size 417.22 KB
File type pdf (Mime type application/pdf)
Date added 11/07/2019 15:29:17
Hits 6051
Last modified on 11/07/2019 15:29:16
MD5 checksum e44bc2acbd84aac6a44dd4b4002f4c1b
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Flathead Reservation Regional Indian Education Summit Final


Tribal Education Advocacy

  • WRITTEN_BY Keya Birdsbill
  • 04/02/2024
  • Hits355

What is a Tribal Education Advocate? The Tribal Education Advocate (TEA) works with parents, in each of our local schools, as a support system when issues arise with their child's education. This...

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